A ramble about my blog

I started this blog to air my feelings on clean eating and a bit of life, but its ended up being less about clean eating and more about my life. You know writing things down really helps me rationalise, and I wear my heart on my sleeve for the most part so sharing my feelings isn't something I'm afraid to do. Its actually quite therapeutic this blogging.

So recently my life has been taken up by preparing my routine with going back to work. I'm a midwife and will be working shifts. I'm mainly doing nights and weekend shifts so I can still spend time with the baby as she is so young still and I really don't want to leave her yet. She's cutting her first tooth and don't we know about it 🙂 she's a snotty, weepy eyed mess this weekend. I hated leaving her to come to work. She's in safe hands though with her daddy. The other kids are keeping me even busier, Jenson turned 11 last week. How have I got an 11 year old? It seems unreal, and I haven't broken him yet! I'm joking of course. I just sometimes wondered what sort of mum I'd be. He's a lovely lad. So kind and thoughtful. He's in year 6 and going to high school in September. Gulp. Him and his little sister Kooks have such a love hate relationship. The other day we were walking back from school and he told me she'd been told off that day. She snapped back that he'd 'dobbed her in' and he explained that she was talking during assembly so he told on her. Snort. I said to him that was a bit mean, I won't tell you what she said 🙂 however he carefully explained (with full hand gesticulating) that he is a year 6 monitor and he can't be seen to show favouritism and actually, if she was naughty then tough. All the while I walked behind them smirking as she was getting more irate and listening to them was funny, He's got a point though hasn't he?

My other half (Miller as we call him) was asking me the other night what I write on here and I told him any old rubbish really. He said 'oh I bet you never mention me'. Which I probably don't actually, but should as he's been pretty amazing recently. He's good at the best of times, but since my dad died he's stepped up a notch. You know he might not do big grand gestures like buy me 12 roses every Monday, he might not appear affectionate and tactile. But you know, he's loyal, caring and looks after me well in so many other ways. He doesn't complain much. He will work 12 hours, come home and help load the dishwasher, sweep up and doesn't moan once. He baths the kids every night, does the homework duties. He's a very hands on dad. I am lucky, I know this. We've had lots of hard times, and I'm sure people have said we won't last. I'd like to see other couples still as strong as us after some of the things we've been through. Strip everything away from our relationship – money, meals out, superficial and materialistic things and were still good. We've been to the bottom, we've got back up, dusted ourselves off and are still here. The reason I don't plaster all over Facebook how much I love him, and appreciate him is because I don't need to. He knows these things, I tell him. To his face. I don't need to write it on any social media sites to prove it. I'm very dubious about those that do if I'm honest.

In other news, I'm going on holiday in 2 weeks. With the family of course. We're off to Egypt, have been before, love it there. I'm getting my usual Pre holiday panic though. Flying is one, but more so I get the panic about my kids being abducted. Yeah I'm neurotic but since the whole Madeleine McCann thing, I'm a wreck in the lead up, and first day or so until I relax. I see trouble everywhere me, even when it isn't there.

So that's it for now. A ramble about not very much at all 🙂


Exercise.. I don’t have time…

That old chestnut. Except you do, if you want to of course.

There's lots of excuses out there – too tired, haven't got time, kids take up my time, work, injury, dont want to build muscle (haha at this one), my fat will turn into muscle (double haha) etc. You get my drift. Yet these same people are usually the ones who moan about their weight and say diets don't work for them. Sound familiar? It does for me because I've been that person, as well as heard these excuses from others. I don't believe that any person can't fit 20mins or so 3 times over week into their schedule. That's 1 hour out of over a hundred in a week.

My deal? I've tried all sorts in the past, from personal trainers to Zumba. I don't dislike exercise as such, I just did it for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to look good but quickly, and then got bored once I didn't see quick results I suppose. Now its a lifestyle thing. I started exercising when bella was 6 weeks old. I'd had a c – section too so I didnt hang around this time! I felt ok, so did buggy fitness classes, outdoors in November. Freezing and muddy? Yes, but that wasn't a reason not to go. I thought if I can do it in this weather I can do it anytime. Sharon, the lady who run the classes also did spinning classes and kettle bells so I took this up too. The classes initially were 30m so I didn't feel bad about leaving the baby. It was good for me to do something for me too. As you know my dad died, he wasn't the healthiest person ill admit that, and this has been one of my reasons for keeping at it. Its not just about wanting my body shape to change, which it has bit it's about being healthy on the inside. I want to be fit, I want to be strong and healthy. Looking good is a bonus 🙂 so I've got 3 children, one obviously being a baby who takes up a lot of my time, she still wakes frequently during the night and I'm still breast feeding her. I admit I'm a bit OCD and keep my house in pretty good clean and tidy condition, I see my friends, I make all my own food, I go for walks after dinner and do activities with the kids. I'd say I'm fairly busy. Next week I'm back working shifts as a midwife, ill be even busier. Yet I still find time, because I want to. This is what drives me. You know what, I feel tired some days and don't feel like going to classes but I do go because its my one thing I do for me. Plus I come away feeling really good, sweaty but good!

So I'm helping you to find a solution, if you want to of course. If you've not heard about clean eating then read about it in my section on clean eating. Here's some exercise tips for you.

Find something you like. If you don't like it the first time, that's not unusual. Keep at it and try it a few times first. If you've not exercised for years then likelihood is you're bound to detest it, let alone enjoy it. The first time I did spinning years ago I was sick, literally. Vowed never to go back. Guess what I love now? Yep. I get the shakes if I don't go. If you're not good at self motivating then maybe the gym is a bad idea, unless you've someone to push you a little, or even better a personal trainer. For me, time is of the essence so I go to classes, that way I'm in, out and done within the hour and know I've worked hard. I used to go to the gym and sit on the bike / cross trainer watching Jeremy Kyle. The shame.

So try a class, there's loads out there. Zumba, spinning, step, circuits. Exercise doesn't have to be long periods, running for 45mins n a machine isn't the only way! research has shown that short bursts of exercise are really beneficial and good for fat burning. I started off doing 30mins of spin class, then added a high impact class for 30mins after which incorporates interval training – its really intense but the exercises last for 20 seconds a time, so just when you think 'shit I can't take no more' you get a quick break. I also love kettle bells and its great for all over toning. I have a great instructor and she has looked after me well since I had Bella.

Don't fancy a class to start with? Really pushed for time? Try exercise at home. There are various DVDs you can get. I've heard the 30 day shred is fab, but brutal. Personally I love the kettleworx regime, its just 20minutes a session, and good results. Don't tell me you can't squeeze 20 minutes into your day, 3 times per week? You can if you want to. Got a smart phone? Download some free apps. I use the free yoga, free butt workout, free arm workout, and the others from the same group. They're fab, and again short. I used to do 2 a day just 3 times per week. Oh and walking, do some power walking. Get a walking / run tracker app and log your distance, and walk! Take friends and use it to catch up on thr latest gossip and burn fat whilst doing so! I live in the country and its amazing here for walks. Got kids? Walk them to school. I do this weather dependant (yes I hate getting wet, cold is ok no to the wet) I've walked most days in the last few weeks since its been dry, with the baby strapped to me as she likes it, and as she's teething its a god send having her snuggled up as she's so content there 🙂 I live in a beautiful village, the school is 1 mile each way so wven if i do just 1 of the school runs a day thats still 2 miles of brisk walking. I'm suprised by how many people jump in the car and drive down. Get out and walk, its good for you and your kids! My kids prefer walking, my oldest walks with his wee friend most days anyway.

The main change in your shape will obviously come from your diet, and by diet I don't mean diet as in restriction of food I mean what you're eating. I don't believe in diets, calorie counting, points and syn counting. They may work for some but not long term. That's a fact too because I watched a panorama programme recently on slimming world and WW and something like 75% of people had regained their weight. You can't count points for life. Eat clean, and everything in moderation as per my clean eating threads. A useful tool is the my fitness pal app. Now as I said I'm not a lover of calorie counting and my fitness pal requires you to put in a calories goal. That's fine for the sake of the app, but its more important you look at your nutrient content of food, and read labels. By having MFP, and logging your food for a few weeks you'll see from the pie chart how much protein, fats and carbs yore consuming and actually having it in black and white what has passed your lips can be quite surprising. Sometimes its just some subtle changes, and I believe apps like these food diary ones help. Plus if you've got friends, you can egg each other on (look me up!) be nosey and look what you've each eaten and share recipes. You can also log exercise into there.

I've found some great sites for inspiration. As I've said before Instagram is brilliant, hashtag clean eating and you'll have recipes for life, hash tag fitness you'll get tips, if you're on there the links above will tell you how to find me. Below are some others.

Muffintopless – absolutely brillaint site

Workout nirvana again, great for hints and tips

Eat healthy work hard this young girl from Sweden is amazing with her clean eating recipes and pictures. She's just 18 too

Look these guys up on Facebook and twitter, as well as instagram. You don't need no fancy gym membership, expensive recipe book, or money just some motivation and you'll get there. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.

I'm not saying here, hey look at me I'm great. Its saying there's a way, try this. I aint no expert, but im passionate and want to help. There's opportunity these days, any exercise is better than nothing.

Lastly, no excuses. If you want it you can have it.